Moving is exciting, but as we all know it can be stressful.
Below are some tips to help things go as smoothly as possible on the big day.
Organise rooms individually
Start boxing your items as soon as you can. Try to get ahead of the game by boxing up items that you know you wont need before move day.
Leave all essentials to last, but prepare a labelled box ready for them to go straight into.
If you dedicate an afternoon to one room only, you'll be surprised how much progress you can make.
Label the boxes
This may seem obvious, but you can use more than one label on your boxes! For example, don't just put 'KITCHEN' on the label. Add another label that lists the items 'CAN OPENER' etc can be useful when you're trying to find a specific item amongst a stack of boxes labelled 'KITCHEN'!
Use a permanent marker and go crazy. There can't be too many labels on a box and you really want to know what boxes need to go in what room when you or your removals team arrive.
Use self storage to move over a few days or more If you move your items to and from self storage, room by room, you can avoid the scenario of 'boxes everywhere' and moving your new items and furniture into areas that are cluttered with boxes. Using storage to keep your items in will free up space to decorate and your items wont be damaged by any spilt paint or errant paw prints!
Take time picking the right moving company for you Once again, being ahead of the game will pay off here. Call ahead and receive multiple quotes. Ask your friends for a recommendation. Like all contractors, good ones are busy, so try to book them in early. GB Storage can recommend removal companies that have been good to our customers and they are familiar with our storage facility in Shaw. Please call us if you'd like their details.
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